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People in Noosa tend to embrace the smell of their own odour, but that’s cool – the beaches are awesome! There may even be a koala or two in the trees on the Headland (no doubt looking at all the hot chicks on the beach). After that, there’s Australia Zoo – if you get off on animals. Near here are the Glasshouse Mountains, The name is a little disappointing – they’re not made of Glass and you can’t live in them so...meh. Crusing south from Brisbane however is the Gold Coast.

The Gold Coast is a wonderfully tacky place with more fake tans than anywhere else in OZ. Having a campervan means you can see all of these fake tan people, not just the ones in Surfers Paradise.


Apart from some of the inhabitants, the Gold Coast is actually very pretty. The beaches at Burleigh Heads and Currumbin offer amazing waves and views and the odd little bakery with tasty, tasty pies.

When you cross into NSW, make sure you take the mountain road through Uki and Murwullimbah to Nimbin. There’s rock pools and trees and lots and lots of weed to buy! Yay! Nimbin is a crazy place, a bit like Venice Beach in LA, just smaller and the people are a little bit less pretty. But they are cool – and Nimbin is cool. Every May they hold the Nimbin Mardi Grass and celebrate all things marijuana, it’s fun with drugs and fun without. I dropped acid when I went there, so my memories are technicolour and terrifying (imaging a portaloo melting and screaming at you while you try to take a whizz).

Cutting through Lismore you can then descend upon Byron Bay. The people there aren’t really hippies anymore and the council is controlled by Nazi-dictators (imagine Hitler with dreadlocks!). So if you wanna sleep in town you better not do it in a van or they will sting you with a fine. Bastards.

In saying this though – there are plenty of much nicer, friendlier towns around here, like Brunswick Heads and Ocean Shores. These little beach towns come alive during Summer with festivals and carnivals. In Winter the skies are blue and the beaches are all yours!

It’s a great little trip – well worth it – especially if you dig surfing or babes...or weed.